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4:1  I charge you before God and our Lord Yeshua The Messiah, he who is going to judge the living and the dead at the revelation of his Kingdom:
4:2  Preach the word and stand with diligence, in season and out of season; reprove and rebuke with all long-suffering and teaching.
4:3  For there will be a time when they will not obey sound teaching, but they will multiply teachers to themselves, according to their desires, and with an itching of their sense of hearing,
4:4  And they will turn their ears from the truth and turn aside unto fables.
4:5  But you, be watchful in all things and endure hardships; do the work of an Evangelist and fulfill your ministry.
4:6  For now I am offered as a sacrifice and the time of release has arrived.
4:7  I have fought an excellent fight; I have finished my race and I have kept my faith.
4:8  And now a crown of righteousness is kept for me, which my Lord shall award to me in that day when he shall judge the just, but not only to me, but also to those who will have loved his revelation.
4:9  Let it be your concern to come quickly to me.
4:10  Dema has abandoned me and loves this world and he has gone to Thessaloniqa, Qrisqus to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia.
4:11  Only Luqa is with me. Take Marcus and bring him with you, because he is suitable to me for the ministry.
4:12  I have sent Tukiqus to Ephesaus.
4:13  When you come, bring the bookcase and the books that I left in Troas with Qarpus, especially the parchment scrolls.
4:14  Alexandros the Blacksmith showed me great evil. May our Lord pay him according to his works.
4:15  Beware of him also, for he is very arrogant against our words.
4:16  At my first defense, no man was with me, but they all abandoned me. May this not be accounted to them.
4:17  But my Lord stood with me and empowered me, that the preaching might be fulfilled by me, and the Gentiles would all hear that I was delivered from the mouth of the lion.
4:18  And my Lord will deliver me from every evil work and will give me life in his Kingdom in Heaven, for to him is the glory to the eternity of eternities. Amen.
4:19  Give greeting to Prisqila and to Aqilaus and to the house of Onesiphorus.
4:20  Erastus stopped in Qorinthus, but Trophimus I left while he was sick in the city of Miletus.
4:21  Be careful to come before winter. Eubulus invokes your peace, and Pudas, Linus, Qlaudia and all the brethren.
4:22  Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.